“The benefit a power quality program brings to a dealership is to eliminate power issues from the service equation. To maximize profits in a maintenance agreement, it is important to identify power issues that may be present in a facility as early as possible.”
Power quality problems can be difficult to identify. As a result, they can lead to numerous “no problem found” service calls, unnecessary parts usage and other cost associated with the daily operation of a service department.
Power issues can cause the perception that a system is unreliable and/or technical personnel are not skilled at solving more complex problems. In either case it impacts customer confidence in your company, products and staff. It may also impact future business and upgrades.
Use protection equipment designed for the office equipment industry for maximum protection and value. Be sure it meets the Semiconductor Industry suggestion that it pass no more the 0.5V between N-G, and less than 10V on the H-N wire.
Give us a call today and don’t leave problem-solving to chance – 800-882-8285